How to Tell If Your Shrooms Are Expired

Want to learn how to tell if your shrooms are expired?

Though magic mushrooms have been around for a long time, only recently have they become popular. If you’re a new user (and even if you’re not), you may be asking one of the most pressing questions: How long do shrooms last? After all, you want shrooms to be effective and not use them past their best. Here, you can explore a little more about how long magic mushrooms last and how to tell if your shrooms are expired. 

The Average Shelf Life of Shrooms

Fresh magic mushrooms, which many users say are best, have a relatively short shelf life. Even if you store them properly in the fridge, they only last up to a couple of weeks. 

On the other hand, dried shrooms last longer. Under ideal situations, you can expect dried shrooms to have a shelf life of six months to a year. Be aware, though, that many conditions can affect their lifespan. For example, poor packaging or exposure to moisture can shorten dried shrooms’ shelf life to just a few months. 

Signs Your Shrooms Are Past Their Best

So, how can you tell if your shrooms are expired? Here are a few signs letting you know not to use them:

  • They smell funky. An off or sweet odor (anything that doesn’t smell like mushrooms) can indicate your shrooms are past their best, and you shouldn’t use them.
  • They’ve developed spots. Shrooms that develop black or white spots are no good anymore.
  • They’ve developed mold. Shrooms might be a fungus, but they can still get moldy. If you see any signs of mold, it’s time to toss them.

Dangers of Consuming Expired Shrooms

Even if your expired magic mushrooms still contain active psilocybin, you still shouldn’t consume them. Sure, you might get some of the desired effects, but older mushrooms aren’t as potent as newer ones. Not to mention, consuming spoiled shrooms (especially if they’re moldy or smell funny) could cause unwanted side effects and ruin your trip. So for your health and the quality of your experiences, avoid expired magic mushrooms. 

Proper Shroom Storage

Proper storage is vital for your shrooms to last their expected shelf life. Fresh magic mushrooms begin losing potency after they’re picked. Oxidation and air exposure speed up the process, so store your shrooms in paper bags or plastic containers with a paper towel and place them in the fridge for the best results. 

Dried shrooms need an airtight container, such as a mason jar. After putting your shrooms inside and closing the lid, place the jar in a cool, dark place like a cabinet you don’t use very often or in your basement. Keep in mind that a desiccant, such as a silica packet, can help preserve them longer. Other options include vacuum sealing or storing your shrooms in honey. 

Enjoy Each Experience with Your Shrooms

Consuming magic mushrooms can be an enjoyable experience. However, using expired shrooms can lead to a bad trip, which isn’t exactly pleasant. So, even with proper storage techniques, always be sure to check your shrooms before ingesting and avoid using them past their expiration. 


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